How to Get a Natural Look with False Eyelashes

 873 total views

 873 total views False eyelashes are an essential part of any makeup look, and they can be used to create all kinds of different looks. They come in different lengths, shapes, colors, materials, and textures. No one-size-fits-all false lash works for everyone, but there are some general guidelines you should follow when choosing your lashes. Things To Consider When Choosing False […]

What You Need to Know About Natural Fake Eyelashes

 795 total views

 795 total views Lashes do not just make your eyes look better; they also have a dramatic effect on the shape of your face. If you take care of them, they can last much longer. Few of these false eyelashes are made from natural and organic ingredients that are beneficial to the eyes’ health. Because natural lashes come in a wide […]

Natural Fake Eyelashes: a New Way to Enhance Your Look

 712 total views

 712 total views Natural fake eyelashes are a type of false eyelashes that can be applied easily to your natural lashes. They are very popular nowadays because they are simple and effective beautifying products. The main types of natural fake eyelashes are: Feathers Silk fringes fake lashes. The silk fringes fake lash is made from human hair attached to the nylon […]

Before and After Eyelashes: How to Get the Look You Want

 1,594 total views

 1,594 total views Do you want to know how to get the perfect eyelashes? Whether you’re looking for natural-looking lashes or something more dramatic, we can help. This blog post will discuss the different eyelashes and achieve the look you want. We’ll also discuss some of the best products on the market for achieving beautiful lashes. So whether you’re just starting […]

You Deserve These Spectacular Lashes on ZOOM

 700 total views

 700 total views Insta-stalking surprises a lot when you gaze through inspiring photos of women at work. All ready and on the mark. Staying on screens has changed the meaning of getting ready. All the focus has been transferred to face. Looking camera-ready without being overemphasized seems a tough nut to crack. For online meetings, waist-up preparations are arguably important to […]

Applying Amazing False Eyelashes in Seven Steps

 1,080 total views

 1,080 total views We have a great love and desire to wear fake lashes, but what stops us from doing that? Most of us will reply, applying them is very hard and tricky. But trust me, once you are determined to learn to apply them you will not regret it. It’s just a trial and error game. To learn the art […]

Individual False Eyelashes for Valentine’s Day 2022

 960 total views

 960 total views Valentine’s Day is a day that brings couples together and brings them closer together. Couples are looking for a day to show their love and care to each other through gifts. But this year has become more commercialized, with many companies offering Valentine’s Day deals on their websites or apps. We are seeing more and more couples looking […]

Facts About Decal lashes That’ll Make You Fall in Love

 641 total views

 641 total views If you already are a trendsetter, take note of an upcoming beauty trend “Amazing lashes with decals” These gorgeous-looking false eyelashes have tiny decals stuck on them. The miniature fun objects are adorable and full of life. Decal lashes are hot cakes in the market ready to buzz around social media feeds. Like other fun lash styles, they […]

Do Male Celebrities Wear False Eyelashes?

 752 total views

 752 total views “Eyelashes are for anyone who wishes to wear them. They have nothing to do with gender”. This is the present-day eyelash hook statement. Today false eyelashes are not Just Gal-thing men are empowering their eyelids with fluttery, dark frills around the world. Male celebs are wearing false lashes; there are no doubts about it. In fact, they have […]

How to Choose Hand-Made Faux Mink Eyelashes

 554 total views

 554 total views Hand-made faux mink lashes are one of the most realistic pairs of natural fake lashes you can get your hands on. Every makeup lover craves something that would appear very natural with their outlook, and nobody would be able to guess the difference between the real and false. Faux mink eyelashes are as real as you can get. […]