What You Need to Know About Natural Fake Eyelashes

 1,078 total views

 1,078 total views Lashes do not just make your eyes look better; they also have a dramatic effect on the shape of your face. If you take care of them, they can last much longer. Few of these false eyelashes are made from natural and organic ingredients that are beneficial to the eyes’ health. Because natural lashes come in a wide […]

How to Maintain Faux Mink Fake Lashes?

 834 total views

 834 total views Cleanliness is important First things first, you need to make sure that you always your hands and any tools you are using are washed effectively before handling all false eyelashes, this inclusive of tweezers and eyelash curlers. Washing your hands and the tools you use helps as a prevention measure from the risk of infections caused by dirt […]