Facts About Decal lashes That’ll Make You Fall in Love

 641 total views

 641 total views If you already are a trendsetter, take note of an upcoming beauty trend “Amazing lashes with decals” These gorgeous-looking false eyelashes have tiny decals stuck on them. The miniature fun objects are adorable and full of life. Decal lashes are hot cakes in the market ready to buzz around social media feeds. Like other fun lash styles, they […]

Celebrate Holidays with Decal Fun Lashes

 696 total views

 696 total views Holidays are on the air, you can smell the jolly festivities, giggles, and laughter. Everyone is getting ready to embrace festive fun looks to celebrate evenings with their loved being. You might be planning to buy gifts, getting ready for social media presence, and friends’ night outs. There is a chance you are an influencer and looking for […]

8 False Lashes with Decals for Winter

 555 total views

 555 total views Winters reminds us of snow, chills, holidays, and festive occasions. Some ravishing mood-lifting new looks are something we desire to experiment with during holidays. With hundreds of chic makeup looks, winter-themed eyelashes are trending new styles to display unconventional looks, this season You might have seen numerous fashionistas trends of false lashes, but one unique modish lash style […]