False Eyelashes Vs. Real Eyelashes

 720 total views

 720 total views The difference between false and real lashes is one of the most important questions in beauty. The truth is that many people do not know what they want, so they buy false eyelashes, which can be very expensive. In addition to this, it is also true that some women have a natural look with no need for falsies, […]

What You Need to Know About Natural Fake Eyelashes

 794 total views

 794 total views Lashes do not just make your eyes look better; they also have a dramatic effect on the shape of your face. If you take care of them, they can last much longer. Few of these false eyelashes are made from natural and organic ingredients that are beneficial to the eyes’ health. Because natural lashes come in a wide […]

Natural Fake Eyelashes: a New Way to Enhance Your Look

 711 total views

 711 total views Natural fake eyelashes are a type of false eyelashes that can be applied easily to your natural lashes. They are very popular nowadays because they are simple and effective beautifying products. The main types of natural fake eyelashes are: Feathers Silk fringes fake lashes. The silk fringes fake lash is made from human hair attached to the nylon […]

Before and After Eyelashes: How to Get the Look You Want

 1,593 total views

 1,593 total views Do you want to know how to get the perfect eyelashes? Whether you’re looking for natural-looking lashes or something more dramatic, we can help. This blog post will discuss the different eyelashes and achieve the look you want. We’ll also discuss some of the best products on the market for achieving beautiful lashes. So whether you’re just starting […]

Individual False Eyelashes for Valentine’s Day 2022

 958 total views

 958 total views Valentine’s Day is a day that brings couples together and brings them closer together. Couples are looking for a day to show their love and care to each other through gifts. But this year has become more commercialized, with many companies offering Valentine’s Day deals on their websites or apps. We are seeing more and more couples looking […]

How to Glam up Your Old False Lashes at Home

 603 total views

 603 total views Fake eyelashes are becoming a crowd favorite. Everywhere on social media hundreds of eye-catching glamorous falsies are floating. Heavy volumes, glowing glitters, rainbow colors, sparkling sequins, feathers, and many more trending glamorous lashes are all a rage. They are not just a festive thing now; daring beauty buffs are showcasing their love for falsies anytime anywhere online. Instead […]

The Best Fake Lashes for Small Eyes

 958 total views

 958 total views Lashes are one of those makeup tools that everybody loves to have. They enhance the volume and density of your real lashes to make them look more noticeable in the pictures. False lashes are put over your real lashes so that they appear more natural and thicker. The shape of our eyes is one of the most significant […]

Do Male Celebrities Wear False Eyelashes?

 751 total views

 751 total views “Eyelashes are for anyone who wishes to wear them. They have nothing to do with gender”. This is the present-day eyelash hook statement. Today false eyelashes are not Just Gal-thing men are empowering their eyelids with fluttery, dark frills around the world. Male celebs are wearing false lashes; there are no doubts about it. In fact, they have […]

A Guide to All Type of False Lashes Looks

 706 total views

 706 total views Wearing false lashes is an everyday game now. You don’t have to wait for the events, celebrations to look lush-lash. Lash artistry is grown up to such an extent that you have limitless options to select a falsie for your favorite false lash look. Smooth, dramatic, glamorous, or vibrant, nothing left behind when you think of fake lashes. […]

Why Do Your Fake Eyelashes Look Ridiculous

 1,502 total views

 1,502 total views In the realm of beauty, false lashes may be scary. They give you an intense appearance and appear to be exceedingly tough to wear and pull off. However, if you are fascinated by the notion of fake lashes, you might want to give them a try. Don’t let your fears stop you from trying them! They may appear […]