Are Fake Lashes Bad for You?

 912 total views

 912 total views Falsies were once the domain of only the wealthy and distinguished. They have adorned the lids of Hollywood’s elite, inspiring both admiration and derision. False lashes are now accessible to the general public, allowing you to achieve a glam appearance that rivals any celebrity. If you are curious about false eyelashes harmful to your natural lashes, the answer […]

How to Maintain Faux Mink Fake Lashes?

 834 total views

 834 total views Cleanliness is important First things first, you need to make sure that you always your hands and any tools you are using are washed effectively before handling all false eyelashes, this inclusive of tweezers and eyelash curlers. Washing your hands and the tools you use helps as a prevention measure from the risk of infections caused by dirt […]

Which Kind of Fake Lashes is Easy to Apply?

 880 total views

 880 total views One of the few things that can boost your confidence is a having good pair of falsies eyelashes that can be fixed easily. Having a good pair of easy-to-fix falsies lashes is good because can save you a lot of time when doing your make. They will make you look flawless without putting in too much effort. Easy […]

6 Doll Beauty Lashes You Definitely Want To Have

 837 total views

 837 total views Doll Beauty Lashes are the trend these days. As their name says, they doll up your eyes stunningly to revamp the outlook of your makeup. These false lashes enhance the charm around your eyes by intensifying the thickness and length of your natural lashes, thus making them one of the best makeup tools ever to exist. You can […]

Will You Lose Eyelashes After Chemo?

 1,042 total views

 1,042 total views When you are going through chemotherapy, it is difficult enough to deal with the thought of losing your hair. And let alone hearing from your doctor that you could lose your eyelashes as well. Yes, chemotherapy may cause you to lose your eyelashes. Chemotherapy can result in hair loss all over the body, not only on the head. […]